Looking for your first commercial investment?
Take a look at this entry level opportunity, located in the Te Ngae Shopping Centre, among other local businesses, Kiwi Kai occupy 19/500 Te Ngae Road, a 100m² building directly adjacent to a Hammer Hardware. They run a commercial kitchen specialising in indigenous foods which are then supplied to national brands such as Foodstuffs and Mad Butcher chains. The building returns an annual rental of over $20,000 per annum. The building has rear walkthrough access, office, smoko room, w/c, commercial kitchen and serving area. The Te Ngae shopping centre caters to the eastern suburbs of Rotorua, is on the main arterial route to the Port of Tauranga, the Eastern Bay of Plenty and South to Taupo, Eastern Rotorua is showing positive signs of growth with Motion Entertainment and Texas Chicken recently opening on this side of town. Call Bayleys today for more information or to arrange a viewing.